Ofertas de trabajo



Looking for candidates to the FPU fellowship: Research Project - GEOSEISMOD

Geodynamic, seismological and machine learning modelling of large active faults systems as a tool for the characterization of geological hazards in the Alboran Sea (GEOSEISMOD)

Reference: PID2023-149462NB-I00 

PhD Supervisors: Hector Perea and Jonas Ruh 

Centre: Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC)


Project description

The doctoral early career researcher (ERC) will be involved in the GEOSEISMOD project (2024 - 2027), which represents a pioneering and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary project designed to enhance our knowledge of active faults in the Alboran Sea through a comprehensive array of methodologies. By integrating numerical and analogue modelling, leveraging machine learning supervised algorithms and utilizing physics-ased earthquake simulators, GEOSEISMOD project seeks to propel our understanding of the geological evolution, seismotectonic characteristics of active faults, and the geodynamics within the Alboran Sea region. The outcomes derived from these diverse approaches will not only facilitate a better understanding of the geological hazards, such as seismic events, tsunamis, and submarine landslides, prevalent in this area, but will also contribute to refining their parametrization. The invaluable insights gained through this research will be instrumental for the scientific community engaged in hazard and risk assessment, as well as those investigating the broader geodynamics of the Western Mediterranean region. 

The main objective of the doctoral ERC will be understanding the gedynamic evolution for the last 5 Ma of the large fault systems in the Alboran Sea. To achieve it we have defined two specific objectives: 

  • O1.1. Define the crustal properties in the formation and evolution of a plate boundary. Utilizing numerical modeling techniques, it is possible to systematically explore a broad spectrum of crustal rheology parameters, such as density, elastic, and viscoelastic properties, at various spatial and temporal scales. This approach allows investigating comprehensively the interaction dynamics among different boundary faults, estimate strain rates, and gain insights into the potential evolution of these faults in the future. 
  • O1.2. Evaluate the present seafloor morphology as a reflection of crustal processes and fault growth. Analogous modeling, conducted through sandbox experiments, provides a unique opportunity to simulate the growth and propagation of faults. Simultaneously, this approach allows for the observation of their influence and control on landscape evolution while maintaining scalar relations and provides valuable insights into the dynamic processes shaping the fault and the topography. 

Requirements of the candidate

  • Degree in Geology, Geophysics, Physics, or a related field.
  • Interest in geological modelling and geodynamics. 
  • Desirable skills: Programming (Phyton, Matlab), and written and oral communication in English.

Hosting research team 

The doctoral ECR will join the Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging group (BCSI; https://www.icm.csic.es/en/research-group/barcelona-center-subsurface-imaging) at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM) from CSIC, in Barcelona, to work under the supervision of Dr. H. Perea and Dr. Jonas Ruh. The doctoral ECR will be integrated into the team of this multidisciplinary and multinational project, and he/she will work in close contact with the members of the research and working teams. The BCSI research in Earth Sciences has a multidisciplinary approach that spans across 1) theoretical development, 2) field data analysis and processing, and 3) final geological interpretation. In that line, two major aims of the group are to obtain new types of observations, and also more detailed and accurate measurements to improve and make more objective geological interpretations. The CSIC is the largest public research institution in Spain, embracing 121 research institutes, and ranks third among Europe’s largest research organizations. The Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) is the country's largest center (~314 research staff) for multidisciplinary Marine Science, with a leading role in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. In 2020, the ICM received accreditation from the Severo Ochoa Excellence program, the highest national recognition of scientific excellence and leadership in Spain. Under the motto “Marine Research for a healthy planet”, the ICM has a highly interdisciplinary character, with the ability to broadly address numerous questions and challenges related to marine sciences and technologies. A total of 30 doctoral theses were completed during the academic years 2020- 2022. 

How to apply

At the first step, the applicant will be evaluated based on the university degree. If appropriate, selected candidates could be invited for an interview. In case you are interested, please contact ASAP the PIs of the project attaching your CV and your transcript record. 

At the second step, selected applicants, together with the PhD project, will be evaluated for a final selection. 

Application for the FPU scholarships must be submitted through the following official link. The period of application is from 17 January to 14 February 2025.

Interested candidates, please contact the Principal Investigators:

Hector Perea (hperea@icm.csic.es) and Jonas Ruh (jruh@icm.csic.es)