Ofertas de trabajo | 29 Octubre 2021

Predoctoral call (‘Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2021)


The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) aims to train the next generation of researchers in marine sciences to build the future we imagine for our oceans. This year, 9 PhD fellowships will be funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through a predoctoral call (‘Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2021).

Interested candidates can only apply to one of the following projects, and it is highly recommended that they contact the researcher in charge before submitting the application:

  • Using a network of no-take marine reserves in deep-sea waters to recover and manage highly impacted ecosystems (PI: Joan Navarro).
  • Future climate change scenarios and marine zooplankton: Synergistic effects of temperature and nutrient deficiencies on long-term adapted populations (PI: Albert Calbet & Enric Saiz).
  • Distribution and dynamics of Phytoplankton Functional Types in the North-Western Mediterranean through hyperspectral remote sensing (PI: Elisa Berdalet & Marco Talone).
  • Monitoring the Arctic sea ice and water distribution changes with Remote Sensing data (PI: Carolina Gabarró, Marta Umbert & Martí Galí).
  • Effect of phytoplankton composition and turbulence on DOM degradation in marine coastal systems (PI: Maria Montserrat Sala and Francesc Peters).
  • Fostering the capacity of marine ecosystem models to project the cumulative effects of global change and plausible future oceans (PI: Marta Coll ICM-CSIC, Jose Mª Bellido IEO-Murcia & Xavier Barber UMH, Elche).
  • Holistic approach for the study of reproduction in fish: the omics challenge (PI: Mercedes Blázquez & Eva Calvo)
  • Impact of ICE-sheet retreat and geological controls on Fluid fLow dynAMics of the antarctic pEninsula continental margin (ICEFLAME) (PI: Roger Urgeles & Ricardo León Buendia)
  • Use of submarine telecommunication cables and passive seismic stations for seafloor observation and monitoring of natural hazards (PI: Rafel Bartolomé & Arantza Ugalde)

PhD fellows at ICM will receive a 4-year contract with a gross annual salary of 16,250€ for each of the first two annuities; 17,410 for the third annuity; and 21,760 for the fourth annuity, apart from an additional grant of 6,860€ for mobility and training for the 4-year period.

Applications will open the 28th October to the 11th of November 2021 through the following link. We encourage future applicants to contact the Principal Investigators of the advertised offers.

Please, check the attached document for more details about each position.

About the ICM

The ICM is the fourth largest research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the largest dedicated to marine research. ICM researchers study most broadly marine topics and the global ocean as a whole. Under the motto “Ocean Science for a Healthy Planet”, the ICM conducts frontier research and foster both knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, conservation and sustainable use of marine life and ecosystems, and impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards.