Cesar Rodríguez

Research group leader
Responsable de grupo (IP)
Grupo de investigación

My scientific goal is to conceptually advance our understanding of large-scale fundamental active processes of rifting and continental passive margins, seafloor spreading, and subduction systems. For this end, I strive to obtain the best quality observations by personally leading the acquisition, analysis, and processing of marine seismic data. I specialise in complex, multi-disciplinary experiments, coordinating teams of multi-national scientists to acquire data during numerous cruises that have produced major breakthroughs. Based on our seismic images, I have been leading several drilling projects to ground-truth and constrain models. After being awarded an ICREA Research Professor in 2005, I worked towards the creation of the Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging (Barcelona-CSI) in 2007. In the group, I coordinate the development of novel methodological strategies for travel-time tomography and full-waveform inversion, integrated with pre-stack depth migration, to estimate physical properties and subsurface structure at the highest possible resolution. The exceeding data quality, methods and interpretation of the team of the Barcelona-CSI have permitted to seek funding from both governmental and industry sources.