My research has been mainly focused in the identification of active faults, the characterization of the earthquakes that these faults could produce and the earthquake interaction and triggering. Therefore, my main research interests are related to active tectonics, paleoseismology, neotectonics, seismotectonics, earthquake geology, tectonic geomorphology and seismic hazard, onshore and offshore.
I am specialized in the detection and study of active faults in low strain zones (e.g. Iberian Peninsula or Western Mediterranean). Onshore I have been working in landscape geomorphology and morphometric quantification, in the analysis of paleoseismological trenches and in the relation between earthquakes, historical or instrumental, and faults. Offshore I have been involved in some oceanic research cruises that have given me experience in the acquisition and on board analysis of bathymetric and seismic data in order to plan new survey lines or coring places. Furthermore, I also have analyzed high resolution bathymetric data and interpreted seismic data (sparker and multichannel profiles) to locate possible active faults, determine seismic stratigraphic sequences and their ages, and, when possible, detect direct on-fault submarine paleoearthquakes.
I have experience in the introduction of the geological data in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment studies and in geomorphological and Quaternary geological cartography in various geological environments (e.g. glacial or fluvial processes).
I have been working in low slip normal, inverse and strike-slip faults in the onshore and offshore Iberian Peninsula (Catalan Coastal Ranges, East Betic Shear Zone, Iberian Massif, Western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea) and, recently, in Latin America (Santa Marta Range in Colombia and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in Mexico).