Esdeveniments | 26 February 2021 | Friday talks

Presentation of research projects initiated in 2020. Second session


FUTUREMARES: Climate change and future marine ecosystem services and biodiversity - PI: Marta Coll

  • Starting date 01/09/2020. Duration in months 48. Call identifier H2020-LC-CLA-2019-2

Marine and transitional ecosystems provide fundamental climate regulation, food provisioning and cultural services.FutureMARES provides socially and economically viable nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate change (CC) adaptation and mitigation to safeguard these ecosystems’ natural capital, biodiversity and services. The program advances understanding of the links between species and community traits, ecological functions and ecosystem services as impacted by CC by analysing the best available data from monitoring programs and conducting targeted experiments and beyond state-of-the-art modelling. Ensemble physical-biogeochemical projections will identify CC hotspots and refugia. Shifts in the distribution and productivity of keystone, structural and endangered species and the consequences for biodiversity will be projected within different CC-NBS scenarios to reveal potential ecological benefits, feedbacks and trade-offs. Novel, social-ecological vulnerability assessments will rank the severity of CC impacts on various ecosystem services and dependent human communities. Complementary analyses at realworld  demonstration sites will inform managers and policy-makers on the economic costs and tradeoffs of NBS. These physical, ecological, social and economic analyses will be integrated to develop three, climate-ready NBS: i) restoration of habitat-forming species, ii) conservation actions explicitly considering the range of impacts of CC and other hazards on habitat suitability for biota to preserve the integrity of food webs (e.g. marine protected areas) and protect endangered, and iii) sustainable, ecosystem-based harvesting (capture and culture) of seafood. FutureMARES is co-developed with policy-makers and managers to ensure impactful and transformative cost-effective actions.


CLIMATE‐COVID19: Cross-analysis of climatic and COVID19 data - PI: Josep Lluís Pelegrí

  • Starting date 22/06/2020. Duration in months 18. Call identifier PIM-E-202030E222

This project explores the links between climate conditions and the onset and development of the COVID19 pandemic over the western Mediterranean, with special focus on Catalonia. The project uses COVID19 pandemic and atmospheric-oceanic data to study the correlations among the regional expansion a virus and the climatic conditions, with the objective of identifying how climate modulates the environmental conditions that may favor/limit the incidence, spread and persistence of viruses. The novelty of this approach lies on the combined climate-health analysis of large datasets, including recent and historical health and climate data, and its ulterior combination with long-term weather models such as to produce a credible virus-surge forecast.  


POLAR-CHANGE: Aerosol emissions from polar changing environments - PI: Manuel Dall’Osto

  • Starting date 01/06/2020. Duration in months 36. Call identifier PID2019-110288RB-I00

POLAR-CHANGE aims to study the sources, composition and dynamics of aerosols in Arctic and Antarctic  environments. Using experimental approaches in the field and in the lab as well as state of-the-art data analysis, POLAR-CHANGE intends to link aerosol emission processes with the polar marine biosphere and cryosphere. During this multidisciplinary project we will (1) put together aerosol size distribution data from a large international network of observations including 7 Arctic and 8 Antarctic research stations, (2) run extensive laboratory experiments with a seaspray aerosol chamber of our design, and (3) conduct an oceanographic cruise to productive waters of the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea, where the overall hypotheses can be verified or falsified by open ocean ship-borne observations from both ocean and atmosphere. The cruise, which will gather an international team, will include a visit to pelagic and sympagic ecosystems with different dominant taxa and associated with different physico-chemical forcing. Our approach will be to synergistically use our competences in plankton ecology, ocean-atmosphere biogeochemistry and atmospheric chemistry in a project without precedent in the studied area.


ATLANTIS: Atlantic-North-Africa lithosphere three-dimensional imaging study - PI: Arantza Ugalde

  • Starting date 01/06/2020. Duration in months 36. Call identifier PID2019-109559RB-I00

The main challenge of the ATLANTIS project is to develop a self-consistent three-dimensional model of the crustal and upper mantle structure of the Atlas mountain belt, from the westernmost part in the Atlantic Ocean to its easternmost end in Tunisia. Two new temporary seismic networks will be deployed during this project to cover the unmonitored areas. On the one hand, a marine seismic survey will be carried out in the Atlantic margin of the westernmost Atlas and, on the other hand, a temporary land seismic network will be deployed in Tunisia, at the easternmost end of the Atlas Mountains. The proposal will also take advantage of the extensive seismic waveform data sets available in North Africa from several projects and surveys, as well as from permanent stations in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The proposed leading-edge methodologies are based on earthquake and ambient noise tomography, receiver function analysis, and seismic attenuation imaging. Using those highly improved observations and the integrated analysis of geological and other geophysical observables of continental and marine areas, we will update the characteristics of the lithospheric-scale structures and the geological domains. We aim at refining the existing conceptual models that define the contacts among geological domains in the current kinematic framework of collision between the Eurasian and African plates.