Damianos Chatzievangelou

Investigador/a Postdoctoral

After studying biology in Greece, I was introduced to deep-sea monitoring practices and technologies through my MSc thesis at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC). Since then, I have worked with visual and oceanographic data from fixed and mobile monitoring platforms, including VENUS and NEPTUNE observatories of Ocean Networks Canada (https://www.oceannetworks.ca/). During my PhD studies in Geosciences (Oceanography) at Jacobs University Bremen (https://jacobs-university.de/), I was the main pilot of the Internet Operated Deep-sea Crawler “Wally” integrated in NEPTUNE observatory, a task since revisited with a new deployment from August 2021 to January 2022. Currently, I am a Marie Curie - MSCA postdoctoral fellow and member of the “ecological monitoring and indicators task force” within various national and international projects of ICM-CSIC.