The LIFE OASIS project, funded by the LIFE Programme, addresses the challenges of marine litter and abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in the Mediterranean. A threat that jeopardizes the recovery of species like the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). From 2024 to 2029, the project will engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of innovative, sustainable solutions to protect marine biodiversity and promote responsible fishing practices.
LIFE OASIS emphasizes collaboration with artisanal fishers, navigators, and patrol boats, recognizing them as custodians of the sea in activities like sea turtle rescue, reporting and recovering ALDFG.
LIFE OASIS uses the artisanal Mediterranean anchored FAD (Fish Aggregating Device) fisheries of Malta, Italy and Spain as a laboratory to create replicable solutions for improving ocean conservation and fostering sustainable fisheries throughout the Mediterranean and other regions.
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*The participation of ICM-CSIC in the project will focus on the research actions related to the marine citizen science and collaborative networks on the conservation status of coastal habitats, for which it has accumulated experience as coordinators of the marine citizen science platform Observadores del Mar ( and the T- MEDNet network devoted to track the climate change effects in the Mediterranean. The ICM will contribute and participate in the communication actions, harmonization and standardization activities and citizen science actions.