Ramiro Ernesto Logares

Personal Investigador Senior

I define myself as a computational ecologist & evolutionary biologist investigating the microbial world. I obtained my PhD at Lund University (Ecology Department), Sweden and afterwards, I did a postdoc at Uppsala University (Evolutionary Biology Centre), Sweden. Since 2010, I have been at the Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography at ICM-CSIC, Barcelona. Initially, I was a Marie Curie Fellow, then a Juan de la Cierva fellow, and since 2015, I am a researcher within the Ramon y Cajal programme. Today, I lead a research environment on microbial computational ecology and evolution, including a post-doc, PhD students, and technicians. My main research lines aim at 1) understanding the structuring and dynamics of natural microbial communities using ecological theory, 2) disentangling the network of microbial interactions in ecosystems and 3) linking the gene content of genomes, communities and their variation, with ecological function and evolutionary processes. Since 2009, I have been teaching in local and international postgraduate bioinformatics courses. I coordinate the Marbits eco-informatics platform at the ICM-CSIC. I am also ambassador for Spain at the International Society for Microbial Ecology.