Ulises Lora

Personal tècnic

I started working as a laboratory technician at the Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography in 2023. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences (UB) and a Master’s degree in Oceanography and Marine Environment Management (UB). Montse Sala (ICM) was my supervisor on both my Bachelor dissertation (Characterization of aerial microbial communities by CARD-FISH) and my Master thesis (Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on marine microbial communities). Apart from that, I have also participated in the Aquacosm Transnational Access program in Helsinki (2019) to get the data I used for my Master thesis and I came back in 2023 to carry out a project about the role of planktonic food webs in the fate of biodegradable polymers (PLGA) which is submitted for publication. In 2023 I came back to Helskinki to study the role of microbial plankton in microplastic (PLGA) degradation, which I am currently working on. My main tasks have been the design of the experimental set up, sampling and data process, with laboratory work taking big part of it using fluorescent techniques like CARD-FISH and BONCAT-FISH, flow cytometry, FlowCam, epifluorescence and electron microscopy as well as DNA extraction methods. By studying the degradation of plastics and their interaction with biota, I believe we can make people be aware of the current situation of the seas, and hopefully find a solution to the problem. I love being involved in projects where many people enjoy this topic and we all cooperate for this goal.