Vanessa Balagué

Core facility head
Personal técnico
Grupo de investigación

I work in the Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography (Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC) since 2001.
My main scientific interest is the application of molecular techniques to unravel the identity and activity of marine microbial community members. We try to have a complete biogeographical study of the patterns of distribution of marine microbial assemblages adapted to different habitats worldwide,  deepening in the functioning of marine microorganisms related to those different environmental conditions. In that sense, I have participated in several oceanographic cruises in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, in the Atlantic, in the Baltic Sea and in the Mediterranean.

As a member of the Marine Science Literacy Group , I am involved in several outreach projects, some of them related to education, such as PlànctON ( I have also partipated in the scientific documentary film "Relats del Canvi Global. Capítol I: Delta de l'Ebre" and co-edited the book “Observando los polos” (CSIC y Catarata, 2021). Currently, I am exploring the intersection of art and science through the "Art&Sea for social change" program at the ICM-CSIC.