Job Offers | 03 October 2022

JAE ICU INTRO 2021 scholarships for the academic year 2022/23


The Institut de Ciències del Mar (Institute of Marine Sciences) offers 5 fellowships to introduce young scientists in marine research with JAE INTRO ICU 2021 scholarships for the academic year 2022/23:

  • Plan de formación 1. Effects of sedimentary processes and pollutants on marine sediment microbiome from Barcelona coastal time series. PI: Silvia G. Acinas (
  • Plan de formación 2. Reconstructing the history of marine animal diversity over the last 500 million years using fossil data and a state-of-the-art diversification model. PI: Pedro Cermeño (
  • Plan de formación 3. High-frequency ocean variability and the paradox of the plankton. PI: Guillaume Le Gland (
  • Plan de formación 4. Long-term changes in surface ocean microbes: combining omics, AI and satellite data (MASAI). PI: Ramiro Logares (
  • Plan de formación 5. Exploring the phycosphere. PI: Rafel Simó (

More information on the JAE ICU Programme can be found here:


How to apply:

All applicants need to submit the following documents in order to be eligible to apply. It is mandatory to use the templates provided:

Applicants can choose up to three projects. They need to provide the necessary documentation required for each of the offers: e.g. Master admission evidence. Please remember that all requested signatures need to be official electronic signatures (FNMT). You can find more information in the section 15 of the JAE ICU 2021 application guidelines.

All applicants should send the required documents to before the 25 October at 23:59 with the JAE INTRO ICU subject in the email.