Data collections, technologies and more


Downward Continuation and redatuming of marine multichannel seismic (streamer) data

This is a user friendly open source HPC software for redatuming 2D streamer field data to the sea bottom for any seafloor relief. The main ingredient is the acoustic wave equation used backward in time, allowing first the redatuming of the receivers, and after, the redatuming of the sources.

Contact: Clara Estela Jiménez Tejero (


TOMO3D is a software package for 3-D joint refraction and reflection traveltime tomography presented by Meléndez et al. [2015]. The code has been extended to be able to model not only isotropic media but also VTI anisotropic media for P-wave velocity Meléndez et al. [2019]. Please read these articles when using TOMO3D, and cite at least one of them when publishing your results depending on whether you used isotropic or anisotropic modelling. The package includes user and installation manuals.


Mooda is a python package designed mainly for oceanographers and marine science students. It is an expandable power scripting system that at present offers the following functionalities:

  • User-friendly access to different marine data repositories
  • Customizable data quality control
  • Customizable data analysis methods
  • Data visualization tools that are commonly used in the oceanographic community
  • Export data in various formats( such as netCDF or CSV)

Contact: Raúl Bardají, Jaume Piera


Custom-made device to generate controlled isotropic small-scale turbulent flow for laboratory experiments with plankton. 

FERMA: Two different choosable turbulence levels, in addition to a still water condition, can be assessed at once in multiple replicate containers of up to 15 liters in volume. The system is to be used in an environmenal chamber with controlled irradiance and temperature. 

FERMETA: Four different choosable turbulence levels, in addition to a still water condition, can be assessed at once in replicate containers of 2 liters in volume. The system is portable and can be used on a bench as well as in environmenal chambers.

Contact person: Francesc Peters

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