News | 28 July 2016

Starts an Oceanography MOOC


Inscriptions for the online course “Oceanography: a key to better understand our world” are now open. This course is organized by the University of Barcelona and participates as a teacher Jordi Salat, from the Physical Oceanography and Technology department, together with Jordi Serra from the Group of Marine Geosciences. This free course is available in Coursera, a web platform specialized in Masive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

Starts an Oceanography MOOC

Inscriptions for the online course “Oceanography: a key to better understand our world” are now open. This course is organized by the University of Barcelona and participates as a teacher Jordi Salat, from the Physical Oceanography and Technology department, together with Jordi Serra from the Group of Marine Geosciences. This free course is available in Coursera, a web platform specialized in Masive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

In this course, students could learn the basic knowledge about oceanography: how are the fluxes of ocean water, how oceans are studied by satellites, what is ocean chemistry and how has the Earth’s crust evolved to give birth to the oceans and continents. The MOOC has 7 modules including videos, quests and forums to debate between students and teachers.

The contents present the basic useful knowledge for a navigator participating in an ocean regatta like Barcelona World Race, the only regatta across the world with two crew members by sailboat and without stops. For many years, Jordi Salat collaborates with this event with a research project about salinity and temperature in superficial marine water along all the trajectory of the regatta.

More information in: Oceanography - MOOC