Job Offers | 15 May 2021

JAE SOMMA INTRO 2021 scholarships


The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) offers 11 project proposals to introduce young scientists in marine research within the JAE INTRO SOMMA 2021 scholarships programme. Please check here the detailed list of proposals:

  • Plastic-degrading enzymes through the computational microscope. Responsible: Francesco Colizzi
  • Retrospective analyses of penguin tracking data to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Responsable: Francisco Ramírez
  • Modelización de datos sísmicos y caracterización de propiedades físicas de la zona tsunamigénica de zonas de subducción. Responsible: Manel de Prada
  • Using SMOS surface salinity and ocean color optical data to characterize the circulation of freshwater in the Beaufort Gyre. Responsible: Marta Umbert
  • Monitoring the contemporary biodiversity crisis in the Mediterranean Sea using digital data from recreational fishing. Responsible: Valerio Sbragaglia
  • STRIKE - Salt tectonics and fluid flow along the plate boundary off SW Iberia: The Lineament South strike-slip fault. Responsible: Sara Martínez
  • The chicken or the egg: is dysbiosis a cause or a consequence of sponge disease? Responsible: Lucía Pita
  • Ultra-small microorganisms along the groundwater-marine continuum. Responsible: Clara Ruiz
  • Spatial trophic dynamics of a large pelagic predator along contrasting oceanic environments. Responsible: Joan Giménez
  • Unraveling the ecological roles of deep ocean viruses. Responsible: Felipe Coutinho
  • Microscopic and genomic exploration of unusual cyanobacteria-algae symbiotic interactions involved in the marine nitrogen cycle. Responsible: Fran Cornejo

The call will be open from 15th of May to 15th of June. You can find more information on the programme and how to apply here:


How to apply?

With the funding support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation, of the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades”. 2020-2023 (CEX2019-000928-S)