Montserrat Solé

Head of department
Personal Investigador Senior

Montserrat Solé Rovira obtained her Ph. D. degree in 1992 at the University of Barcelona. Her first postdoctoral position held in the Plymouth Marine laboratory (UK) in 1993-1995 and a second one in the Environmental Chemistry Department of the CID-CSIC in Barcelona 1996-2001. Permanent position obtained in the ICMAN-CSIC of Cadiz (2001-2004) and from 2004 holds a position in the ICM-CSIC of Barcelona.

She is co-author in over 150 publications and 8 book chapters, over 100 contributions in national and international forums and holds an H index of 41 with 5858 citations (Scopus). She has directed 5 PhD thesis and supervised ERASMUS (6), Grade (8) and Master (15) students. At present, her team is composed by 4 post-docs, 1 sabbatical researcher, 1 contract and 1 PhD student. She has participated in over 23 national and international projects being IP in 4 of them. Editorial experience as Associate editor in Environ Pollut Management and co-editor of the Special issue “Plastics and Toxicity” in Environ Res. Her contribution in the ecotoxicology field mostly devoted to the biochemical responses in aquatic organisms to organic and persistent pollutants warrant her position in the 2% of most cited researchers by the Stanford University in Environmental Sciences.