The Barcelona Expert Centre Remote Sensing (BEC-RS) was born as a joint initiative of the Spanish research council (CSIC) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in the context of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). Today, the main goal of BEC-RS is to provide a wide range of services related to remote sensing, including consulting, training, developing, validating and distributing products. Other BEC-RS services include visualization of geophysical data, calibration and validation of data, to organize and to participate in training courses and meetings, and act as business incubators. Since 2006 BEC-RS is an ESA Expert Support Laboratory (ESL) for the SMOS mission. BEC-RS is in the position of offering its expertise to develop remote sensing data processors at any stage of the processing chain, as well as appropriate tools for manipulation and visualization. The processors can be provided to the client as source code or as a service running at BEC-RS facilities.
Parallel computational cluster of 22 servers, with a total of 672 physical CPU cores and 8.8 Tb of RAM memory, 1 NVIDIA Tesla v100-SXM2 GPU with 5120 cores and 7.834 Teraflops, and a storage capacity of 1.5 Petabytes.