María Bas

Investigador/a Postdoctoral

I am a marine ecologist specialised in trophic ecology and historical ecology, mastering trophic (Stable Isotopes Analysis), temporal (SIBER), and genetics (DNA extraction and amplification) techniques. These skills are central to study the ecology of wildlife and predict the impact of environmental changes and anthropogenic actions to design precise management programs. I have special interest in understanding the ecological role of marine organisms and their trophic links in the marine food web and how natural factors and human activities may change these processes. My research is developed within a multi-interdisciplinary framework to provide holistic solutions to manage conservation problems in an ecosystem approach.  I obtained my PhD degree in Biology at National University of Mar del Plata and it was focused in marine ecosystem from South-Western Atlantic Ocean. After my PhD, I have done more research at the University of Barcelona studying the trophic ecology of Magellanic Penguins and Mediterranean turtles from different periods. I am a member of Q-MARE international group from Past Global Changes as a leader. The aim is to disentangle climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems and I collaborate with scientists from all around the world. Apart from this historical ecology research I am also interested in maritime spatial planning, because I was involved in set the foundations from the maritime spatial planning for the Catalan Government.