
Citizen participation to protect the biodiversity of metropolitan beaches.

BioPlatgesMet, a citizen science project aimed at gathering biodiversity data from metropolitan beaches, promoting the sustainable management of beach and dune ecosystems, analysing the impacts of current and future actions, and implementing effective protection measures.

This is a project co-organized by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) within the framework of the Horizon Europe GUARDEN project.

How to participate

Volunteers in the BioPlatgesMet project record their observations through MINKA, a participatory platform where the public collaborates with the research community. They provide a photograph of a living organism and information about its location and date. These observations can be made independently or as part of regularly organised guided activities. No specific frequency is required for submitting records, as it depends on each individual's availability. This methodology is accessible to anyone with an interest in nature, regardless of their scientific knowledge, as biodiversity experts subsequently validate all data.

A comprehensive biodiversity database of the beaches

BioPlagesMet aims to:

  • Compile a comprehensive biodiversity database in the beaches and dunes of 8 municipalities.

  • Document and analyse changes in species distribution and vegetation due to management actions, focusing on improving the management of invasive and protected species.

  • Launch educational programs and public participation initiatives to encourage biodiversity data collection.

  • Assess the perceptions and knowledge of beach visitors regarding beach biodiversity and ecosystem services.

  • Empower citizens to analyse and discuss the collected data.


A paradigm shift in the management of public spaces

Citizens as "proactive consumers" of metropolitan parks and beaches

The AMB will use the data obtained through citizen participation in BioPlatgesMet to manage metropolitan parks and beaches comprehensively. These data will enhance the design and planning of public management policies.

In BioPlatgesMet, the public becomes a key actor in conserving metropolitan beaches.