"In Depth" Section
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Here we explore these collaborative networks designed to share knowledge and promote a more inclusive approach to science.
In this month's "A Fons" we interview Elena Guerrero, curator and conservator of the Scientific-Technical Service of the Marine Biological Reference Collections of ICM-CSIC.
In this month's "In Depth" section, we talk about “The Sea in Silence”, a transformative initiative by ICM-CSIC and ICATMAR that combines science and inclusion with the goal of overcoming communication barriers with the deaf community.
Through this ‘In Depth’ report, the ICM-CSIC aims to convey its position regarding reducing teaching hours for science subjects in the baccalaureate.
This month’s "In Depth" feature focuses on the Nutrient Analysis Service at ICM-CSIC, the team managing it, and its role in monitoring the state of the oceans.
This month’s “In-Depth” delves into the principles of Open Science and the ICM-CSIC's commitment to making science more inclusive and accessible to a wider audience.