Scientia Marina (ISSN-L 0214-8358) is the successor to Investigación Pesquera, a journal of marine sciences published since 1955 by the Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (CSIC). Scientia Marina is included in the Science Citation Index since 1998 and publishes original papers, reviews and comments concerning all aspects of marine research. Emphasis is placed on articles of an interdisciplinary nature and of general interest.
The journal has the FECYT Quality Seal and have been awarded with the "Mention of Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality" in 2021.
Cited or abstracted in:
Science Citation Index®, Current Contents® / Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences (CC®/AB & ES), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts®(ASFA), AFFE, Abstracts (SWRA), Agris, Aqualine, BIO-Biosis, Chemical Abstracts, DIALNET , e-revist@s, Fish & Fisheries Worldwide, ICYT (CSIC), Latindex, Marine Sciences Contents Tables, Oceanic Abstracts, Oceanographic Literature Review, Pollution Abstracts, Referetivni Zhurnal, Research Alert®, SciSearch®, SCOPUS, Selected Water Resources, Zoological Record Online.