Jacopo Aguzzi

Senior Researcher

Jacopo Aguzzi has more than 15 years of research experience in integrating biological rhythms in fishery management with a particular focus on decapod crustaceans. The goal overarching goal of his research is to integrate laboratory results with field studies by means of new technology and integrate such results in population assessment models and to ecosystem-based fisheries management. In particular, his career focused on two main line of research. The first one is related to chronobiology of marine resources and ecosystems. The second line is related to the implementation of new technological solutions for animal behavioral tracking and ecosystem. He has participated in more than 28 National and International projects, including PI and co-PI roles. He publiushed 110 SCI research articles (total citations 3125; ISI H-factor of 28), 6 book chapters (one in publication phase), and participated to more than 170 National and International conferences. To date, he tutored 9 M.Sc. and 8 PhD Theses (3 in conclusion phase) of highly interdisciplinary ecological and technological content. He was Scientific Advisor or the Ocean Network Canada (2015-2018; Science Theme Leader; https://www.oceannetworks.ca/science/science-plan/science-theme-leaders; 61 k$ dotation).