Research group

Functioning and Vulnerability of Marine Ecosystems

Exploring the effects of stressors and forcing processes on marine ecosystems

The main purpose of the group is to explore the effects of stressors and forcing processes on marine ecosystems with special attention to living resources and human activities. The goal is to understand the vulnerability and resilience of marine ecosystems under anthropogenic stress, with special focus on fisheries, aquaculture, and climate change, providing management and conservation actions. The objectives are structured in four 

Research Lines: 

(1) Development of scientific tools for the ecosystem-based fishery management, 

(2) Functional biodiversity and vulnerability of marine ecosystems, 

(3) Physiology, reproduction, immunology, ecotoxicology and functional genetics in natural and cultured marine species, including fish animal models (i.e., zebrafish, Danio rerio), and 

(4) Technological solutions for monitoring ecosystems and animal behaviour. For this, the team members employ empirical (laboratory and field) and modelling approaches. 

Among the plethora of lab techniques used it is worth mentioning biochemical and toxicological assays, histology and omics and include the study of the genome, epigenome, transcriptome and metabolome in marine species of commercial interest. 

Most relevant information

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    • Masmitja, Ivan; Navarro, Joan; Gomáriz, Spartacus; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Kieft, Brian; O'Reilly, Tom; Katija, Kakani; Bouvet, P.J.; Fannjiang, Clara; Vigo Fernandez, María; Puig, Pere; Alcocer, A.; Vallicrosa, Guillem; Palomeras, Narcís; Carreras, Marc; Río, Joaquín del; Company, Joan B.;

      Mobile robotic platforms for the acoustic tracking of deep-sea demersal fishery resources

    • Rotllant, Guiomar; Llonch, Pol; García, José A.; Chic, Óscar; Flecknell, Paul; Sneddon, Lynne U.;

      Methods to Induce Analgesia and Anesthesia in Crustaceans: A Supportive Decision Tool

    • Moraleda, J.; Caballero-Huertas, Marta; Valdivieso, Alejandro; Joly, Sílvia; Ji, J.; Roher, Nerea; Ribas, Laia;

      Epigenetic differences in the innate response after immune stimulation during zebrafish sex differentiation
