Maria Sierks

Predoc Trainee

Project: Connectivity of particle-attached prokaryotes across continental margins and their potential use as particle source and organic carbon degradation proxies (CONPART) 

I am interested in the study of microbial communities and their importance for marine carbon export. I am a PhD candidate with a FPI "Severo Ochoa" fellowship that bridges between the department of Marine Biology and Oceanography and the Marine Geosciences department here at ICM (Supervisors: Viena Puigcorbé and Pere Puig). During my thesis, I will contribute to the CONPART project, which aims to understand the fate of marine particles by studying the synergies between particle-attached prokaryotic communities and organic carbon degradation throughout their transport across continental margins, via submarine canyons. The study will take place in the Palamós Canyon (NW Mediterranean), which has been the subject of sedimentary dynamic studies since the 1980s. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Biochemistry from the University of Leipzig and earned a Master's in Microbiology and Biochemistry from the University of Rostock. During my studies, I became increasingly fascinated by marine dynamics and microbes as drivers of global biogeochemical cycles. I enjoy learning a wide range of tools and methods, from radiotracers and core extrusion to bioinformatic analysis, both in the lab and at sea.