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Citizen Science


Citizen science projects develop spaces, tools and materials to involve society in a real research. People don’t need to be expert, but be curious and share a passion for knowledge. The ICM encourages society participation with the aim of joining efforts, experience and data to know and protect our ocean diversity.

Observadores del Mar

Observadores del Mar (Sea Watchers) is a platform to comprehend the transformation of marine life and ecosystems with citizen participation in close connection with scientists. 

Global warming effects, impacts on marine biodiversity and habitats, changes in species distribution or behavior and marine contamination are the main topics to act on in this community that counts with volunteers, scientists, associations, schools and other entities.

Observadores del Mar

MINKA is a citizen science platform facilitating active participation in scientific research. Users upload geolocated species observations, collaboratively identified by volunteers and scientists. Officially recognized as an Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Action by the United Nations, MINKA currently reports biodiversity in line with UNESCO's SDGs: "Life below water" and "Life on Land." Very soon, volunteers can expand their contributions by uploading environmental data, such as temperature and water transparency, in support of other SDGs.

MINKA's mission centres on promoting sustainability and addressing global challenges, allowing all to contribute to scientific knowledge and take action to create a more sustainable future.


BioPlatgesMet is a citizen science project aimed at gathering biodiversity data from metropolitan beaches, promoting the sustainable management of beach and dune ecosystems, analyzing the impacts of current and future actions, and implementing effective protection measures.

Citizens photograph living organisms from the beach-dune ecosystems and upload them to the MINKA platform, either independently or through activities organized by the initiative.


CoastSnap es una iniciativa internacional de ciencia ciudadana que promueve la participación de la ciudadanía en la monitorización y estudio de las playas mediante fotografías tomadas desde estaciones fijas, utilizando soportes oficiales de CoastSnap o adaptaciones propias de estos soportes.

Las personas participantes capturan imágenes con su teléfono móvil desde estas estaciones y suben las fotos a la plataforma a través de una aplicación gratuita o de las redes sociales, registrando la hora y fecha exacta de cada imagen. Estas fotos son procesadas para extraer datos que permiten analizar cómo se desplaza la línea de costa y cambia la forma de la playa y permite el análisis de los cambios y tendencias a lo largo del tiempo.