Research group

Laboratory of Seafloor and Subseafloor Processes

Understanding Earth processes to manage geohazards, georesources and the environment

The Laboratory of Seafloor and Subseafloor Geological Processes (LS3GP) carries out multidisciplinary research embracing all contemporary physical processes that occur at or beneath the seafloor, including the anthropic influence on these processes, and those that occurred in the geological past.

The LS3GP has ample experience in:

1.- Marine field data acquisition,

2.- Laboratory and numerical methods and

3.- Data interpretation.

A strong emphasis is brought on offshore geohazards and marine sedimentology.

Most relevant information


    - Management on behalf of EPOS of the of the Euro-Mediterranean submarine landslide database

    - R. Urgeles is Editorial Board member of the journal "Marine Geophysical Research" published by Springer-Nature.

    - R. Urgeles is Editorial Board member of the journal "Geosciences" published by MDPI.

    - X. Garcia is associate editor of Geophysics published by SEG

    • Sawyer, Derek E.; Urgeles, Roger; Lo Iacono, Claudio;

      50,000 yr of recurrent volcaniclastic megabed deposition in the Marsili Basin, Tyrrhenian Sea

    • Zengaffinen, Thomas; Urgeles, Roger; Løvholt, Finn;

      On the Inference of Tsunami Uncertainties From Landslide Run-Out Observations

    • Nemocon, Ana Milena; Julià, Jordi; García, Xavier;

      Lithospheric structure of the western Borborema Province from receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion: Implications for basin inversion

    • Haroon, Amir; Micallef, Aaron; Jegen, Marion; Schwalenberg, Katrin; Karstens, Jens; Berndt, Christian; García, Xavier; Kühn, Michel; Rizzo, Enzo; Fusi, Nicoletta Chiara; Ahaneku, Chibuzo Valeria; Petronio, Lorenzo; Faghih, Zahra; Weymer, Bradley A.; De Biase, Michele; Chidichimo, Francesco;

      Electrical resistivity anomalies offshore a carbonate coastline: Evidence for freshened groundwater?

    • Sànchez-Serra, Cristina; Martínez-Loriente, S.; Gràcia, Eulàlia; Urgeles, Roger; Gómez de la Peña, L.; Maesano, Francesco; Basili, Roberto; Volpe, Manuela; Romano, Fabrizio; Scala, Antonio; Piatanesi, Alessio; Lorito, Stefano;

      Sensitivity of Tsunami Scenarios to Complex Fault Geometry and Heterogeneous Slip Distribution: Case-Studies for SW Iberia and NW Morocco
