Carlos Rodero

Postdoc Researcher

My research expertise is in marine optics and citizen science. In particular, I specialise in developing affordable DIY sensor systems to measure water transparency, among other environmental parameters.

During my PhD, I focused on designing and developing new systems -KduSTICK, KduPRO and KduMOD - for monitoring water transparency and validating its use within the European project H2020 MONOCLE. Additionally, I have participated in AQUACOSM Transnational Access Program in the LakeLab facilities (IGB) and in the LIFE+ LimnoPirineus project about the conservation of aquatic habitats and species in the high mountains of the Pyrenees.

I'm interested in analysing data obtained from citizen-science-based instruments and working with new communication technologies, such as the Internet of Things. I'm also involved in the development of the Citizen Observatory "Minka"