Research group

Environmental and Sustainability Participatory Information Systems

Understand, create and implement participatory information systems for decision-making favouring environmental sustainability.

EMBIMOS (EnvironMental and sustainaBility participatory InforMatiOn Systems) is an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on understanding, creating and implementing participatory information systems for decision-making favouring environmental sustainability.

EMBIMOS brings together researchers with extensive experience in citizen science, sustainability, environmental information systems, and the history and communication of science. Group participants bring together disciplines such as biology, electronic and environmental engineering, communication, the history of science, sustainability and environmental modelling. The group members have been part of the consolidation of regional citizen science networks such as the European Citizen Science Network (ECSA) and the Iberoamerican Participatory Science Network (RICAP), and actively support them. .

EMBIMOS comprehensively investigates the development of technological infrastructures for citizen science involving aspects of knowledge management, engagement and social transformation. The group seeks to understand the best ways to empower citizens through the generation and use of data and efficient and timely information, which allows them to be actively involved and contribute to decision-making and the development of public policy.  EMBIMOS develops applied research through projects in citizen science and citizen science observatories.
As a research group, EMBIMOS operates under the principles of open and collaborative science. The group seeks to promote cooperation ties between the different participation hélix such as civil society, non-governmental organizations, academia, industry, and policy makers.

Most relevant information


    Coordinators of the MINKA Participatory Observatory with more than 210,000 observations (145,000 of them marine)

    Pioneering group in contributing marine data to the Biodiversity Atlas of the City of Barcelona

    Co-Authors of the Participatory Guide of the Marine Biodiversity in Barcelona Beaches

    • Fraisl, Dilek; Hager, Gerid; Bedessem, Baptiste; Gold, Margaret; Hsing, Pen-Yuan; Danielsen, Finn; Hitchcock, Colleen B.; Hulbert, Joseph M.; Piera, Jaume; Spiers, Helen; Thiel, Martin; Haklay, Mordechai;

      Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences

    • Liñán, Sonia; Salvador, Xavier; Álvarez Sánchez, Ana María; Comaposada, Andrea; Sánchez, Laura; Aparicio Camín, Nuria; Rodero, Iván; Piera, Jaume;

      A new theoretical engagement framework for citizen science projects: using a multi-temporal approach to address long-term public engagement challenges

    • Ramírez Benítez, Francisco; Sbragaglia, Valerio; Soacha Godoy, Karen Adriana; Coll, Marta; Piera, Jaume;

      Challenges for Marine Ecological Assessments: Completeness of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Biodiversity Data in European Seas

    • Rodero García, Carlos; Olmedo, Estrella; Bardají, Raúl; Piera, Jaume;

      New Radiometric Approaches to Compute Underwater Irradiances: Potential Applications for High-Resolution and Citizen Science-Based Water Quality Monitoring Programs

    • Fraisl, Dilek; Campbell, Jillian; See, Linda; Wehn, Uta; Wardlaw, Jessica; Gold, Margaret; Moorthy, I.; Arias, Rosa; Piera, Jaume; Oliver, Jessica L.; Masó, Joan; Penker, Marianne; Fritz, Steffen;

      Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals

    • MINKE - Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network

      Period: from 2021 to 2025
      Funding entity:
      Amount awarded:

      Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network -MINKE- will integrate key European marine metrology research infrastructures, to coordinate their use and development and propose an innovative framework of “quality of oceanographic data” for the different European actors in charge of monitoring and managing the marine ecosystems. MINKE proposes a new vision in the design of marine monitoring networks considering two dimensions of data quality, accuracy and completeness, as the driving components of the quality in data acquisition. This new vision will be framed in a quintuple helix model of innovation, incorporating all the elements involved in the monitoring network design.

    • Cos4Cloud - Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud

      Period: from 2019 to 2023
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      Amount awarded:

      Cos4Cloud is a European Horizon 2020 project to boost citizen science technologies. One of the biggest challenges of citizen science is the quality of data, as well as maintaining the citizen observatories used to collect this data. Cos4Cloud is addressing these challenges by developing ten technological services to improve citizen science platforms, also known as citizen observatories, to help them boost the quantity and the quality of observations and, finally, to help ensure their long-term viability.

    • European Citizen Science

      Period: from 2022 to 2026
      Funding entity:
      Amount awarded: