Boards, commissions and committees
Valentí Sallarès | Marta Vendrell | Marta Coll | Francesc Piferrer |
Director | Administration | Deputy director on | Deputy director on |
Montserrat Solé | Montse Sala | Pere Puig | Carolina Gabarró | Clara Cardelús | Ferran Estrada |
Head of Renewable Marine Resources department | Head of | Head of | Head of | Staff representative | Staff representative |
Scientific Strategy
Defines and implements an institutional scientific strategy aimed at improving the centre's research capacities, thus creating the critical mass needed to participate in highly competitive calls. The working group meets regularly, at least once a month, to discuss and develop strategic recommendations, acting as the advisory body of the management team on all research-related issues. The group is composed of two researchers from each department, who act under the coordination of the Deputy Director.
Related staff: Joaquim Ballabrera, Elisa Berdalet, Eva Calvo, Marta Coll, Noelia Díaz, Silvia Donoso, Pedro Eloségui, Josep M. Gasol, Francesc Maynou, Laia Ribas, Pere Puig, Sònia Sagristà, Montse Solé, Roger Urgeles, Montse Sala, Sònia Sagristà.
Societal Impact
This committee designs the ICM societal impact & knowledge transfer strategy, setting objectives, priorities and implementation. To do so, it develops an Action Plan and collects the supply of scientific and technical capabilities in a portfolio. It also oversees the decision-making in the institutional participation of the ICM at different levels, from local to international, and in the political, blue economy and social spheres. Finally, it promotes the culture of transfer amongs ICM personnel and seeks ways of increasing the funding sources from administrations, public bodies and the private sector.
Related staff: Elisabetta Broglio, Jordi Camp, Noelia Díaz, Sílvia Donoso, José Manuel Fortuño, Carolina Gabarró, Joaquim Garrabou, Francesc Piferrer, Laura Recasens, Carine Simon, Miquel Sureda, Marco Talone, Maria Vicioso, Antonio Villaseñor.
Internal Operations
This committee assumes functions relating to the internal organisation and operation of the ICM aimed at updating and improving the Institute's databases and operating regulations. It also aims to optimise the use of the spaces and resources available in the building, encouraging an increase in its sustainability in energy and waste management. On the other hand, this vice directorate stimulates the Spaces task force and acts as a bridge between the Sustainability Working Group and the Directorate Team.
Related staff: Joan Figuerola, Esther Garcés, Eva López, Pere Puig, Sònia Sagristà, Valentí Sallarès, Marta Vendrell.
Equality & Diversity
The Equality & Diversity task force supports equal opportunities for all workers, regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion or status. This includes ensuring (a) equal professional opportunities for everyone (b) a working environment where people are treated with respect, equality and education (c) the eradication of any kind of discrimination, harassment or intimidation, and (d) the promotion of open debates on issues of interest to the ICM community, including gender equality. The group meets monthly and maintains a fluid telematic connection.
Related staff: Mercedes Blázquez, Andrea G. Bravo, Clara Cardelús, Sílvia Donoso, Gemma Ercilla, Jordi Felipe, Eva Flo, Dolores Fuentes, Esther Garcés, Josep Maria Gili, Cristina González, Maria Gracia, Queralt Güell, Elena Lloret, Stefano Marinelli, Cèlia Marrasé, Marta Masdeu, Josep Lluís Pelegrí, Pere Puig, Laura Recasens, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Janire Salazar, Ricardo Santos, Sara Soto, Elena Torrecilla, María Vicioso.
Marine Science Literacy
The ICM has a strong commitment to society. On the one hand, because it is our job as a public institution; and on the other, because of the role we play as a knowledge-generating centre for the marine environment. The Marine Science Literacy task force bridges marine research and society by promoting ocean culture through education, citizen science and collaboration with local agents. The group's ultimate goal is to raise awareness of the importance of the sea in maintaining the planet's health and to raise awareness of the role of the human species in its care.
Related staff: Vanessa Balagué, David Casas, Anabel Colmenero, Eva Flo, Josep Maria Gili, Sonia Liñán, Paula Lopez-Sendino, Macarena Marambio, Sara Martínez, Elena Martínez Batalla, Sara Mohamed, Jaume Piera, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Montse Sala, Janire Salazar, Carine Simon, Dolors Vaqué, María Vicioso, Magda Vila.
This group is in charge of promoting the internationalization of the ICM and its relationship with inter- and super-national entities with the aim of facilitating technical-scientific collaboration and the generation of knowledge, innovation and technology.
The main lines of action of the internationalization group are:
- support and encourage participation in national and international programs, consortia and initiatives of interest
- propose and assist the drafting of national and international agreements
- manage and advance international projects of an institutional nature
- promote scientific advice to public administrations at the regional, national and international level
Personal: Elisa Berdalet, María Elena Carbajal, Blanca Figuerola, Eva Galimany, Claudio Lo Iacono, Teresa Madurell, Josep Lluís Pelegrí, Jaume Piera, Viena Puigcorbé, Vanessa-Sarah Salvo, Carine Simon, Marco Talone, Elena Torrecilla.
Scientific-Technical Services
This group is responsible for the coordination and organization of the ICM's scientific-technical services and infrastructures, ensuring their viability and proper functioning. It also wants to promote technical and technological careers within the ICM, in addition to supporting quality research that meets the center's new scientific and technological challenges. Finally, it is responsible for promoting these services to other research institutions, administrations and companies.
Related staff: Eva Calvo, Marta Coll, Gemma Ercilla, Irene Forn, José A. Pozo, Francisco Ramírez, Pablo Sánchez, Marco Talone.
Occupational Risk Prevention
This task force provides advice and technical support in the area of labour risks, in compliance with the laws of labour risk prevention. The task force meets at least once a year and, among other issues, is in charge of planning, executing and analyzing the evacuation drills. The task force works in coordination with the Prevention Service of CSIC’s Delegation in Catalonia.
Related staff: Vanessa Balagué, Elisa Berdalet, José Manuel Fortuño, Nieves Maestro, Josep Lluís Pelegrí, Fernando Pérez, Cristina Roldán, Sergio Rodríguez, Cèlia Rovira, Arantza Ugalde.
The Sustainability task force fosters sustainability attitudes among the ICM’s personnel and plans and facilitates related actions within the ICM facilities. This includes internal and external awareness actions, often in collaboration with schools, civil associations and the Barcelona City Hall. The members of the Sustainability task force maintain regular telematics connections and meet once every trimester.
Personal: Morane Clavel-Henry, Sílvia de Diago, Neus Figueras, M. Isabel Lloret, Josep Lloret, Francesc Maynou, José Antonio Pozo, Marta Ribes, Cristina Roldán, Valentí Sallarés, Carine Simon, Roger Villanueva.
Waste Management
This group coordinates and executes the tasks necessary for the correct management and disposal of chemical, biological and cytotoxic waste generated in the laboratories of the ICM or during oceanographic campaigns. Their activities aim to raise global awareness of the impact of toxic waste on our environment and on our health. The group meets quarterly and maintains continuous virtual communication.
Related staff: Silvia de Diago, Irene Forn, Silvia Joly, Cristina Roldán.
The Spaces Working Group is in charge of managing the distribution and uses of the spaces in the CMIMA building assigned to the ICM, in order to regulate and optimize their occupation. This group is made up of the heads of the four departments and is guided by the associated deputy director of internal organization. The group meets once a month and discusses and approves the occupation of the spaces for offices for ICM staff, following the regulations for the use of spaces established, mainly to accommodate new hires and assign them an office and/or or table.
Related staff: Carolina Gabarró, Celia Marrasé, Pere Puig, Montserrat Solé.
Project mangement Unit
This unit offers support in the management of competitive projects, especially in the application phase. The unit centralizes information on open calls (national and international), offers support to improve the success of proposals awarded (training and advice), and manages internal calls (such as those for the Severo Ochoa accreditation of excellence).
Contact email:
Related staff: Neus Figueras, Sònia Sagristà, Elena Torrecilla.
Transfer Unit
This unit develops the ICM knowledge transfer strategy, executes the Action Plan and collects the supply of scientific and technical capabilities in a portfolio.
Contact email:
Personal: Miquel Sureda.
Communication Unit
This unit is responsible of the institutional communication of the ICM. Prepares press releases, establishes a relationship with the media, manages social networks, organizes institutional events and oversees the development and implementation of the corporate image.
Contact email:
Related staff: Elena Martinez Batalla, María Vicioso.
Talent Unit
The unit aims at nurturing the talent from the very beginning to the very end of their relationship with the ICM, facilitating the recruitment, organizing onboarding gatherings, making available trainings and mentoring opportunities, fostering the engagement and the motivation of the staff through group and personalized care, offering tools to develop the career beyond the ICM.
Contact email:
Related staff: Stefano Marinelli.
Technical staff
The technical staff organizes to defend a technical professional career, optimize resources and coordinate to develop actions of interest to the collective.
ICM Young Researchers' Association
The ICM young researchers' association is committed to the conservation and sustainability of the ocean. These young people are organized to develop actions and activities that strengthen the marine scientific community within and outside the laboratory.
Postdoctoral Staff
Postdoctoral research staff are organized to defend their interests as a group and share experiences on the scientific career.
Ad Honorem
Ad Honorem staff are staff who, after their retirement, maintain a close relationship with the ICM and actively collaborate on committees and working groups.
Related staff: Jordi Camp, Marta Estrada, Jordi Font.